Friday, February 02, 2007


Icicles on the roof-hard to see-but they are laughing my NORTHERN friends!

It's not much--but it MOVES!

That snowball-it's COLD and packs a punch!

Well, I completely MISSED posting Christmas pictures and anything fun that happened in the month of January. The new year escaped me so quickly, I don't believe I can recapture it all.

We did manage to have a wonderful 5 1/2 day week"end" starting on Friday at 11am the 12th. We went into the Martin Luther King holiday weekend with the anticipation of ice and freezing rain. It was a miserable weekend starting immediately when we got out of school for teacher work day on Friday. Saturday AM, the rains pelted our area and the preserve next to us filled almost to the fence line of our property. By Monday PM, the rains formed to an icy cold sleet and paniced most of Austin, thus canceling school for Tuesday and Wednesday. Needless to say, it was wet, cold, and cabin fever had began to settle in for a nice warm stay.

Here are some of the "fun" shots I took of our patio and the preserve where the kids "ice" sledded. I even attempted to ride the boogie board (that's all us Texan's had-other then card board!) and it was a sad, sad sight.

My Favorite Things

  • Taking pictures of my family and friends
  • Working in the Yard with David
  • Not having to cook dinner!
  • Starbucks N/F Cinnamon Dulce Latte
  • Reading Christian Fiction: Fav. Authors: Dee Henderson and Karen Kingsbury
  • Swimming for distance
  • Bike Riding with my family